Partner & COO of Resource Wise, LLC— Certified Flow Meter AMI/AMR Specialists, Water Auditor, Other specialties include: trained in best water conservation practices, water loss prevention through metering, district metering, submetering, proper meter installation and meter testing procedures; and certified in QWEL, EPA certified class.
Water Conservation Specialist, Specialties include: providing over 1,000 industrial, commercial, institutional, residential, and irrigation audits. Duties include: conducting site inspections, installation of water efficient aerators and shower heads, leak detection, cost benefit analysis of retrofits and meter replacements, testing water meters, mediate customer and water utility conflicts, offer solutions and best water conservation practices, and most importantly build/develop good customer relationships.
Consultant, Analyzed, evaluated, and developed a cost/financial benefit analysis of replacing water meters. The duties included: meter inspections for installation procedure, meter type, and application; collection, organization, and analysis of pertinent data, comparing estimated with recorded usage, new water meter research, recommendations for meter replacement, cost of materials, cost benefit, and payback period. Hotels, restaurants, vehicle washing, laundromats, medical facilities, and a university were some of the end users on the list.
Instructor, Taught a class at a NM Rural Water Association Conference on meter testing procedures and solid state meter technologies, and the differences between AMR/AMI systems.
Resource Wise, LLC
Partner, COO:
- Water conservation consultant specializing in residential, industrial, commercial, leak detection, and irrigation water conservation audits.
- Specializes in leak detection using a combination of deductive reasoning, plumbing experience and skills, and using the latest ultra-sonic leak detection equipment.
- Provided over 1,000 industrial, commercial, institutional, residential, and irrigation audits to date.
- Conducts site inspections, installation of water efficient aerators and shower heads, leak detection, cost benefit analysis of retrofits and meter replacements, testing water meters, mediate customer and water utility conflicts, offer solutions and best water conservation practices, and build/develop good customer relationships.
- Developed a cost-benefit analysis of replacing water meters for a wide range of end users including hotels, restaurants, vehicle washing, laundromats, medical facilities, and a university.
- Taught a class at a NM Rural Water Association Conference on meter testing procedures and solid state meter technologies, and the differences between AMR/AMI systems.