
Remote Meter Reading

flowIQ® comes with the latest radio technology, including built-in wireless data communication to meet increasing market demands for smart metering. The built-in radio can be configured for both drive-by meter reading (AMR) and reading in fixed networks (AMI).

See how a U.S. water company saves time and water with Kamstrup remote meter reading.

Smart Water Meter

Built On Proven Technology – Packed With Intelligent Features

Residential Water Metering

flowIQ® is a static smart water meter intended for the registration of residential water consumption. The water meter uses the ultrasonic principle and has been constructed on the basis of Kamstrup’s experience since 1991 with the development and production of static ultrasonic meters.


One of the water meter’s many advantages is its maintained precision of accuracy throughout the life of the meter. flowIQ® has a built-in sensitive leak monitor, which detects as low as 0.25% of Q3, meaning that water loss due to under recording is minimized. Additionally, the water meter has no moving parts; so it is resistant to particles and debris in the water lines.

flowIQ® is hermetically closed and constructed as a vacuum chamber of molded composite material, ensuring the electronics are fully protected against penetration of water. This means that the water meter is ideal for placements in meter pits or basements prone to flooding. The meter is compact and easy to install in all operating environments, both horizontally and vertically independent of piping and installation conditions.

Measuring Temperatures

The water meter measures water with temperatures from 33…140°F. Additionally, the meter continuously measures both water and ambient temperature and stores both minimum and maximum daily temperatures.


The volume is measured using the bidirectional long-term stable ultrasonic technology. Flow measurement with ultrasound guarantees precise accuracy. Only what is consumed is being measured – the ultrasonic principle

VEROflow-1 Portable Meter Tester

Field Testing residential water meters is easy with the unique MUN-1 Utility Service Analyzer. The MARS MUN-1 is a precision micro-processor based test instrument designed to:
• Verify residential water meter accuracy to within 1/2 of 1% by merely connecting the instrument to the customer’s hose line.
• Check both static and flow pressure at the customer’s residence. If any blockage exists, this data will indicate which side of the meter the problem is on.
• Measure actual flow rate to within 1/10 GPM.
• Serve as a rate of flow indicator, line pressure gauge and comparison tester for small meter shops not equipped with a full test bench and calibrated tanks.

Every one of us is affected by environmental and climate changes and everybody can help to protect our planet. NEOPERL® strives to create a new mindset and motivate our customers to improve their energy efficiency on a daily basis.

Our aim is to motivate everyone into optimizing energy efficiency in their every day life: taking a bath or shower, cleaning the dishes in the kitchen, brushing their teeth…

With our products each and every one of us can contribute to environmental and climate protection, hence our motto:

Everybody, Everyday, in Every Little Way!


Clamp on Flow Meters

Both Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meters, Clamp On Doppler Flow Meters, and Area Velocity Meters from Micronics USA. Non-invasive, NO interruption to process, and NO down time while units are installed. Wide range of portable clamp on ultrasonic flow meters and permanent clamp on ultrasonic flow meters for almost any liquid. Optional waterproof and high temp transducers for most models.

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