» Encoded Output
» Potable Water
» Residential
• Internal Radio (RF)
• Ultrasonic measurement
• Sustainable measurement accuracy
• Temperature measurement
• IP68 Vacuum sealed construction
• Lead free and certified to NSF/ANSI 61
• Flow measurement in display
• Battery lifetime up to 20 years
• flowIQ® 2100 Data Sheet

flowIQ 2100
flowIQ® 2100 is a hermetically closed static water meter, intended for the measurement of cold water consumption. The water meter uses the ultrasonic principle and has been designed and constructed on the basis of Kamstrup’s experience in the development and production of static ultrasonic meters, since 1991.
flowIQ® 2100 has been subjected to a comprehensive set of tests to ensure a long-term, accurate and reliable meter. This technology has many advantages, including no moving parts, so the meter is less sensitive to particles in the water which also ensures a high and stable accuracy throughout its lifetime. Furthermore, the meter has a start flow of only 0.015 GPM, which provides accurate measurement at low water flows.
flowIQ® 2100 is constructed as a vacuum chamber of molded composite material. Thus, the electronics are fully protected against penetration of water, making the meter suitable for mounting in meter pits or other environments subject to frequent flooding.
The volume is measured using bidirectional ultrasonic technique based on the transit time method, proven as a long-term and accurate measuring principle. Two ultrasonic transducers send sound signals against and with the flow. The ultrasonic signal traveling with the flow reaches the opposite transducer first. The time difference between the two signals can be converted into flow velocity and thereby the volumetric flow rate can be calculated.
The accumulated water consumption is displayed by flowIQ® 2100 in gallons or cubic feet with nine digits and up to three decimals, to clearly display usage data. The display has been specially designed to obtain long lifetime and sharp contrast in a wide temperature range.
In addition to volume reading, a number of information codes are displayed. The meter also measures both water and ambient temperature continuously, storing minimum, mean and maximum temperatures daily.
All registers are saved daily in the meter memory for 460 days. Monthly data for the latest 36 months are also saved.
The meter is fitted with an optical eye, which makes it possible to read consumption data and information codes, stored in the meter’s data logger. Using a USB or Bluetooth connection, the optical eye gives access to configure the meter.
The water meter is powered by an internal lithium battery.
The meter can and must only be opened by one of Kamstrup’s authorized service centers by means of special tools. If the meter has been opened and the seals have thus been broken, the meter is no longer valid for billing purposes. Furthermore, the factory guarantee no longer applies.
We offer the following meters. Please contact us for your personalized configuration:
• Kamstrup flowIQ 2100 25 GPM ⅝” x½” x 7½” (¾” thread) – Composite
• Kamstrup flowIQ 2100 25 GPM ⅝” x¾” x 7½” (1″ thread) – Composite
• Kamstrup flowIQ 2100 25 GPM ⅝” x¾” x 5.1″ (1″ thread) – Composite
• Kamstrup flowlQ 2100 32 GPM ¾” x 7½” (1″ thread) – Composite